2 comments on “The Great Gay Debate

  1. Matthew, I love this post and your candidness in discussing your evolving opinions here. I myself was RIGHT where you are on this, and now my views are somehow significantly different. Praise be to the God that is not afraid of our evolution!

    One suggestion: “homosexuals” is not a term the gay community likes used about them. It sounds like a medical diagnosis, and it’s a foreign, harsh word. I have had to learn to be more open to referring to my LGBT brothers and sisters as “gay men and women,” etc.

    I love your point about obesity. Assuming homosexuality is always a sin, why are sins like obesity tolerated and ignored by the modern-day church, while gay folks get scapegoated?

    Thank you for sharing this. I pray that your views (and mine, and all of ours) may continue to evolve while being still firmly grounded in the Word of our LORD.

    • Thanks for your thoughts (and I did read your recent post on the subject as well). I did not know about “homosexual” being a term they gay community doesn’t like, but the way you explain it makes a lot of sense. I guess I still associate “gay” with negative connotations from childhood, when it was commonly used to insult someone, so I feel like if I use the word “gay” too much, it sounds insulting. You know what I mean? But again, it makes sense, so I will follow your advice in the future.

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